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Well known developer iH8sn0w has found a way to downgrade from iOS 5.1 to iOS 5.0.1 on the iPad 2 and the iPhone 4S. iH8sn0w is responsible for the production of Sn0wbreeze, iFaith, iReb and f0recast and it seems he has been hard at work again trying to solve some user problems.

As many iPhone 4S and iPad 2 owners know, these A5 processer devices have so far not been able to perform firmware downgrades. When Apple releases a new version of iOS they stop signing the older firmware and this means that any official restores result in the user installing the latest official iOS version onto their device. For normal users this isn�t a problem but if you are an iDevice owner who wants to jailbreak their device this is a nightmare because if they accidently upgrade their firmware they have to wait until the Dev-Teams come up with a working jailbreak for the new iOS version.

On older devices users can already downgrade their firmware once they have the relevant SHSH blobs saved. In the majority of cases Cydia will automatically capture any available blobs and update the users� Cydia app with the blobs that have been saved. The iPad 2 has been around since March 2011 and the iPhone 4S since October 2011 but there hasn�t been a way for users to downgrade these A5 powered devices.

Developer and hacker iH8sn0w now claims to have found a loophole in Apple�s APTicket system that has allowed him to successfully downgrade his iPad 2 from iOS 5.1 to 5.0.1. He also believes that this loophole will allow firmware downgrades on Apple�s new iPad running on the new A5X processors. iH8sn0w shared the news on his twitter account and it basically means that owners of the iPad 2, the new iPad and the iPhone 4S can now downgrade their devices to any firmware they choose.

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