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The rumor mill is rife again and it's nothing new this time either. It looks like Apple is interested in launching new, larger iPhones and Bloomberg have just gotten in on the rumor action too which means we won't be seeing the last of these rumors for any time soon. Bloomberg is reporting that Apple are going to launch not one but two larger iPhone models.

The source, which hasn't been named, reportedly told Bloomberg that Apple is set to bring a 4.7 inch device to the market late next year, with an even larger 5.5 inch device also on the cards for those that have huge hands and even bigger pockets. The iPhone 5 comes with a 4 inch display. The 4.7 inch iPhone would be a considerable jump in screen size but the 5.5 inch option would rival the likes of the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 which features a display that is a massive 5.7 inches across its diagonal. It's a lot bigger than the iPhone 4S's 3.5 inch screen.

Along with larger screens, Bloomberg's source claims that the devices will also feature curved screens as well as a new, pressure sensitive touch layer in later version. Bloomberg stated that two models are planned for release in the second half of next year and will feature larger displays with glass that curves downward at the edges. Senors that can distinguish heavy or light touches on the screen may be incorporated into subsequent models.

We do believe that Apple is at least testing iPhones of different screen sizes, but there is a big difference between testing and getting ready to bring to market. While we wouldn't be at all surprised to see a larger iPhone launch next year, we are still a little skeptical about the idea of two new iPhones being brought out with two different screen sizes. We don't think iOS app developers would be too happy with this idea either. What do you think? Leave your thoughts and comments below.

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