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The September 10th event is just days away now and Apple have officially confirmed that they will be holding an event on this day. Most of the talk surrounding this event has been about the iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C, both of which are expected to be shown off publicly for the first time with their release happening about two weeks later. Another Apple product that is thought to be refreshed is the Apple TV.

The Apple TV has been growing in features with each software update and with iOS 7 just around the corner this is set to continue. You can only do so much with software however and at some point the internals need to be upgraded too. We have heard a rumor that Apple is going to release a new Apple TV on the 10th of September too.

New York based platform Panjiva believes that this might actually be the case. According to Panjiva, Apple took delivery of a shipment labelled as containing a �set top box with communication� function on the 25th of August this year. This shipment came from BYD Precision Manufacture in Shenzhen. A week before this on the 18th of August, a similar shipment arrived labelled as �set top boxes�.

Now we know this doesn't prove anything but it is interesting and with the September 10th iPhone event just a few days away, it is possible that the Apple TV will see a refresh too. As with all rumors, we do have to wait for official information and in this case that is only a couple of days.

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