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We have been getting to know Siri since October 2011 when the iPhone 4S was launched. There is no denying that Siri is a great addition to the iPhone with its intelligent voice assistant being able to analyze voice commands and perform specific tasks based on this audible user instruction. A lot of people however still aren't convinced and many people say it is the lack of scope that is leaving them on the bench where Siri is concerned.

When the iPhone 4s and Siri were launched the software was billed and advertised as a personal assistant that would let you send messages, schedule meetings, make phones calls and a lot of other impressive things. One of the major benefits was the ability to talk to Siri like a real person forming full sentences to instruct the software of what you wanted it to do. Siri would then analyze the sentence, understand it and process it. For a lot of things Siri works great but unfortunately the technology has not been integrated deeply enough into the iOS and there are some things that we would love Siri to be able to do that it just can't.

The jailbreak community have as always stepped forward and we are starting to see some great Siri-based tweaks popping up in Cydia. Some of these add additional power to Siri by hooking into certain settings and allowing users to launch specific applications using voice commands.

Apple made a big deal about the fact that they were partnering with Twitter to deeply integrate this social service into iOS. After the initial excitement died down all users really got was native account registering through settings and a framework for developers which negates the need to deal with Twitter's unfriendly APIs. IOS developer Tyler Nettleton posted on his Twitter account to see if any of his followers would be interested in a tweak that would allow Siri to write and post tweets.

It seems Nettleton's tweak allows users to activate Siri and simply say �tweet...� followed by a message which is immediately posted to twitter. This tweak has not been completed as yet but it sounds great and very promising indeed and we can't wait till it is released to the public. Of course you will need to have a jailbroken iPhone 4S to use it but that shouldn't be a problem as there are a number of jailbreak options available.

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