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According to company sources it seems that New York may soon be welcoming Apple to what is reportedly going to be a small scale media event to be held at the end of January. This will see Apple moving away from their usual home in Cupertino and San Francisco and sources close to the alleged event claim that Apple will invade New York towards the end of January in order to host an event that will have a media related announcement.

Rumors are already circulating that they might be going to announce the iPad 3 or an interactive television set. Perhaps it will be an update to iOS or more. The answers to these questions cannot be answered at the moment but like all Apple events there is sure to be something interesting and noteworthy to this event.

Some reports are suggesting that Apple Senior Vice President of Internet Software and Services, Eddy Cue will be attending and playing a big part in this event. Eddy Cue is in control of a large batch of Apple media units, which includes the iTunes Store, the iBooks store, App Store and the iAd network. Apple also has an office in New York where part of the iAd team work from.

Until an official statement is released we really don�t have any idea what this event is New York is all about but what we do know is that it will be eagerly awaited as are all the Apple events and I�m sure in the weeks running up to it we will see a lot more rumors and reports surfacing.

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