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According to reports, Apple is preparing a 7.85 inch iPad for launch in late 2012 to cash in on the markets demands for smaller tablets. DigiTimes is where this report comes from and they are citing that source in the supply chain claim that Apple is looking to launch a smaller iPad that will be released next year.

Here�s an extract from the report:

Apple is likely to launch a 7.85-inch iPad prior to the fourth quarter of 2012 in addition to a new iPad scheduled to be released at the end of the first quarter, according to sources in the supply chain.

The first point in the report about a smaller iPad has to be discussed. Here is what Steve Jobs said in October 2010:

�7-inch tablets are tweeners: too big to compete with a smartphone and too small to compete with the iPad,� said Jobs, adding that competing manufacturers were struggling to meet the price point of the iPad, which starts at $500.

�These are among the reasons that the current crop of 7-inch tablets are going to be DOA � dead on arrival,� Jobs said.

What this leads to is a question as to whether Tim Cook will go against Steve Jobs. This is highly unlikely as Steve Jobs� beliefs in design are the same as his entire company�s beliefs in design. The Apple designers did their homework on tablet display sizes and decided on a 9.7� display back in 2010 and it is highly unlikely that they will change this just to meet market demand.

The claim that two iPads will be released in 2012 is also highly unlikely. The iPad sells really well based on the experience it offers not on the specifications it has under the hood. We really don�t believe that Apple will introduce an iPad with a smaller display but as with all rumors and stories that appear there is no evidence until an official statement is released from Apple. What do you think?

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