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As many of you know, iOS 6.0.1 arrived the very same day that the iPhone Dev Team released Redsn0w 0.9.15b3. But what does this mean? People everywhere are anxiously awaiting the release of an untethered jailbreak for the iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S running iOS 6 and many people have upgraded their devices to iOS 6 only to discover that they couldn't go back if their SHSH blobs were not saved.

The iOS jailbreak is still evading the iPhone Dev Team and the Chronic Dev Team and it makes us wonder if Apple has done too good a job in patching up vulnerabilities that were discovered in earlier updates.

This might not be the case and the web was a buzz again when the iPhone Dev Team released their latest version of Redsn0w 0.9.15b3 with some nice fixes for errors like 2601 that Windows users were seeing when using the restore button. This update also fixes a related Windows iTunes error 14 for stitched files. The very same day, it was reported that A4 device owners could now jailbreak iOS 6.0.1 using Redsn0w.

People still wanted more though and many wanted to know why even a tethered iPhone 5 jailbreak couldn't be released. We thought that perhaps they were waiting for iOS 6.0.1 to arrive so that the likes of PlanetBeing could see how many of their discovered exploits were patched up. It seems that we were correct because on the 1st of November @mdowd took to twitter to say he was downloading iOS 6.0.1 and was going to check if they patched the copyin() bug.

If you have been following everything on Twitter carefully you probably already know that PlanetBeing tweeted last month that he held 3 exploits for the iOS 6 system and he had a working tethered jailbreak. When he was asked why he wouldn't release it, he said that he was holding on to the exploits in hopes of using them for an untethered jailbreak. If iOS 6.0.1 has patched up these exploits it will mean that PlanetBeing and other members of the Dream Team are now back to square one.

If these exploits and vulnerabilities haven't been patched in the iOS 6.0.1 update then we can be sure that the jailbreak teams will move forward and try to achieve an untethered jailbreak solution. If they have been patched they will continue working on iOS 6 and possibly release a tethered jaillbreak for iPhone 5 and 4S users.

The tricky decision for iPhone users is whether to upgrade or not. If you decide to upgrade to iOS 6.0.1 and a tethered jailbreak is released for iOS 6 you might not be able to use it. The reason for this is that there was only a very small window of time for people to save their iOS 6 SHSH blobs and they are now no longer retrievable. MuscleNerd did mention on Twitter that he recommend that people stay at iOS 6.0 for the moment and if he is saying it there must be a good reason why. Perhaps an untethered iOS 6 jailbreak for iPhone 5 and other devices with A5 chips really is on the cards and may just be released sooner than we think.

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