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The brand new iPad mini was jailbroken by developer and iOS hacker Chpwn and he has now revealed that the next generation iPad 4 has also been jailbroken. This comes just a matter of days after its release and both tablets only went on sale in the last couple of weeks.
Although the jailbreak method that has been used to jailbreak iPhone 5, the iPad mini and the iPad 4 is a developer only release, it still does pave the way for future jailbreaks which will be made available to the public. It also means that an untethered jailbreak for iOS 6 could be on the way too.
Chpwn has seemingly used the exact same method that he used to jailbreak the iPad mini and it has worked on the new iPad 4 too. He announced it on Twitter that he has accomplished yet another successful jailbreak on iOS 6. He tweeted the following message along with a screenshot of Cydia running on the jailbroken iPad 4.
�It doesn't look any different than on the iPad 3, but here's Cydia running on the iPad 4�
Chpwn points out that Cydia looks exactly the same on the iPad 4 as it did on its predecessor but that really doesn't matter. The significant progress that has been made with the iPad 4 jailbreak is that it has been upgraded with a kernel exploit which is being credited to PlanetBeing and this makes it possible to jailbreak iOS 6 on the new A6X chip. The screenshot provided by Chpwn also show the jailbroken iPad 4 is running iOS 6.0.1 that was only released last week.
Now that the iPhone 5 and both the new iPads have been jailbroken, the iPhone Dev team really do have a headstart in developing a public release of an untethered jailbreak for these iOS devices. At the moment, the tethered jailbreak is only possible on the iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS and iPod Touch 4G running iOS 6.0.1 and iOS 6.0. We still don't know how long it will take before an untethered jailbreak is avaialble that is compatible with all iOS devices.
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