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We love posting about great paid apps that are being offered for free by their developers for a limited time. Today we have 3 brilliant apps for your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad that are completely free for a limited time. Keep reading to see what they are and how they will fit in your arsenal.
Smart Safe Pro ($2.99 � FREE / iPhone and iPad)
Smart Safe Pro is usually $2.99 and is a great way to keep all your sensitive information secure. Using this AES-256 encryption, you can keep anything from email passwords to credit card information without having to worry about it getting into the wrong hands. Get this now from the iTunes store while its free and securely lock away your passwords, photos and other stuff with ease.
Scanner+ Pro ($4.99 � FREE / iPhone and iPad)
Scanner+ Pro is an amazing little app that allows you to turn your iOS device's camera into an all purpose scanner. You can scan in all your documents and important physical files and then label and file them so that you can find them whenever you want. Next time you need a copy of something all you have to do is use your iOS camera and voila you have it. No more having to find a scanner, it's all done with the touch of a button on your iPhone. This little gem usually costs $4.99 so make sure to grab it while its free from the iTunes store.
mo.Today ($0.99 � FREE / iPhone)
This great little app gives users a unified view of their calendar and reminder list, making sure that they stay on top of their schedule all the time. It comes with a modern looking interface and powerful under-the-hood features making mo.Today one of those apps that you should definitely have. It is free for a limited time only so make sure you grab it while you can from the iTunes store.
That's it for today but if you love getting your hands on great paid apps that are free for a limited time then be sure to keep an eye on our posts because we love posting these bargains and bringing the information to you.
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