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Apps are great and what's better than an app that normally cost you $5 being given for free. Printer Pro, created by Readdle, is free for a limited time via the App Store and is well worth getting your hands on. It is going to be available for 24 hours according to the App Store and we recommend that you go and download it now so you don't miss out.

Printer Pro is great and it will give you a way to print just about anything from your iPhone. The app can talk to most Wi-Fi printers on its own, and those who have standard printers attached to Macs and PC on the network can also be used thanks to a helper app that can be installed and best of all, that's free too. Printer Pro comes with a great iOS 7 design aesthetic that is colorful and yet understated.

Once installed you will find that this app will pop up in other apps' share sheets which means that anything that can normally be shared can be printed via Printer Pro. On top of this, if you put a �p� before a web address in Safari, the web page will open in Printer Pro ready to be printed. This really is a useful app to have in your arsenal and even at the usual price of $4.99, it is worth it.

Right now though, it is being offered free so you have no excuse not to download it right away before the price returns to normal. It doesn't matter if you don't use it right away as it will come in handy at some stage. You can download Printer Pro for the iPhone now at the App Store.

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