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SampliTron 1 - Free Music Composer Application

SampliTron is a standalone software sampler designed for live play. It does not need a plugin host application and no additional software or hardware is required to run it. It uses the DirectX XAudio2 libraries and should work on any Windows computer less than 7 years old.
SampliTron is ideal for musicians who want to add samples and sound effects to live performances without the complexity and expense of a complicated hardware sampler setup.
Beginners new to the creation of sample-based music should also find this to be a useful tool for experimentation and learning. SampliTron can be used quickly, without needing to read a complicated two-inch-thick manual.

- Control via external MIDI device.
- Notes can be played using the computer keyboard.
- Can generate MIDI controller data and be used to control external devices.
- Keyboard configurable to show from 3 to 7 octaves.
- Allows detailed splits with a different sample for each key.
- Allows using .WAV samples of different bit depths and sample rates.
- Automatically scales pitch of loaded samples.
- Auomatically generates keyboard splits.
- Easy to see which keys have samples loaded by pressing the ALT key.
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Direct Download URL: Download SampliTron Version 1 for Windows 7/Vista/XP SP2+ (39 MB)

Keywords: sampler, virtual, software, audio, music, sound, player, midi, synth, controller, wav, wave

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