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Apple has just released iOS Beta 6 so if you have jailbroken this version using Redsn0w 0.9.8b5 you may have noticed some stability issues. Thankfully all these issues have now been resolved and Redsn0w 0.9.8b6 has been released.

This new release of Redsn0w, according to MuscleNerd shouldn�t be too far from the final 0.9.8 release which will be released once the final version of iOS 5 is released. MuscleNerd is a well known member of the iOS jailbreaking community that have been developing Redsn0w over the years.

The iPhone Dev-Team Blog had this to say: We�ve released redsn0w 0.9.8b6 to jailbreak iOS 5 beta 6 (point it directly at the beta 6 IPSW). Two important notes about this version: 1. Please let your device boot normally to iOS 5 beta 6 and do a clean shutdown before jailbreaking. 2. Boot logos have intentionally been disabled for now, so you�ll see a black screen on tethered boots (you can re-enable logos or verbose boot with command-line options if you really want them back).

Due to increased sensitivity to abrupt file system shutdowns in iOS 5 beta 6, it is very important that you do a clean shutdown before running redsn0w. The previous version of Redsn0w functioned with iOS 5 beta 6, some users reported several stability issues with jailbroken devices on a daily basis. If you have already jailbroken your beta 6 device with Redsn0w you might want to re-jailbreak it by restoring it through iTunes and then running Redsn0w 0.9.8b6 again. There are no visual changes in this new version but it will fix any stability issues you might have experienced.

This update is simply aimed at fixing bugs. It is still a tethered jailbreak and it does not make any advancement towards an untethered iOS 5 jailbreak. It is unlikely that an untethered jailbreak will make an appearance until the final version if iOS 5 is released.

This version of Redsn0w is aimed at developers who are using the iOS 5 beta.

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