Password = 1234

The current version of Redsn0w 0.9.8 on both Windows and Mac was having sandbox errors when running apps for the App Store. To solve this problem Redsn0w 0.9.8b2 has been released which fixes these issues.

According to the iPhone Dev Team they have updated Redsn0w for use with iOS 5 beta and if you have already jailbroken it you don�t need to re-jailbreak just use the updated version to boot tethered. iOS 5 beta 3 which was released to developers a few days ago can also be jailbroken using this version of Redsn0w.

Redsn0w is an easy way to jailbreak your device but it does require a moderate amount of knowledge on how to perform basic maintenance tasks in iOS. This is also a tethered jailbreak so it means that users will have to plug their iDevices into a computer running Redsn0w every time iOS starts up in order to boot into a jailbroken state.

In order to install and activate iOS 5 legally you need to be registered with the Apple developer program. This costs just $99 per year and anyone with internet connection can apply. The Redsn0w jailbreak is aimed at developers only.

Password = 1234


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