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EasySMS - Remote Desktop SMS for Android  

Free by deraills

EasySMS allows to manage and send SMS messages from your PC via your Android phone.
It provides an HTTP frontend that can be easily set-up and accessed when connecting the phone to the computer via USB, WiFi or Bluetooth. Since the interface is accessible through any web browser, the app is compatible with all major desktop operating systems.
It also allows to send SMS messages via Cherry SMS.



Latest version of the app

Install by downloading

  • See help on instructions page
  • Download EasySMS.APL the App
  • Install with "adb install EasySMS.apk" (have your phone connected by usb) 

Install by scanning qr code

If you don't have the android sdk installed, you can scan this barcode to download and install the app:

Scan with a barcode scanner app, e.g. "Barcode Scanner" (Link)

Bluetooth Helper Application 1.6

  • See help on instructions page
  • Improved connection handling
  • Console output now in english
  • Download

Screenshots of ADB and Driver

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