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The Evasi0n jailbreak for iOS 6 has had a massive amount of interest since its lauch. More than 100,000 people downloaded the package within the first ten minutes of its release and Cydia's servers were bombarded more than 14,000 times per second at the peak of the traffic spike. There were a lot of iOS users fearful that this new jailbreak would be lost with the introduction of iOS 6.1.1 beta 1 by Apple but this fear has been squashed by Pod2g which is great news for the moment.

When Apple seeded iOS 6.1.1 to developers many feared that they would close the vulnerabilities in iOS 6 that allowed the Evad3rs to produce the untethered jailbreak for more than twenty iOS devices. After downloading and inspecting the firmware build, Pod2g took to Twitter to let all his followers know that iOS 6.1.1 is still susceptible to the exploits contained in Evasi0n.

This is great news for everyone who is enjoying having a fully functioning untethered jailbreak on devices such as the iPhone 5 and the fifth generation iPod Touch. Pod2g's tweet also came with a warning that although Apple hasn't fixed the jailbreak with iOS 6.1.1 beta 1, users should still stay clear of downloading and installing this build if they have access to an official developer account. Apple may have chosen not to immediately combat the vulnerabilities but the Evasi0n tool is not yet set up to liberate this particular version.

Apple hasn't introduced anything big with the initial beta of iOS 6.1.1 and it is highly likely that a second or third beta release will contain the security changes necessary to prevent Evasi0n which can jailbreak iOS 6.1 from injecting the jailbreak files in the next firmware public release. At the moment Evasi0n hasn't been patched but as always it looks like we should sit tight on the currently supported firmware and wait to see how things pan out.

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