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Apple released iOS 6.1 beta 1 to developers earlier today. This means that only registered members of the iOS Dev Center can access it. If you are one of the many iOS developers who develop tweaks and apps for Cydia you might be interesed to know that there is a tethered jailbreak available for iOS 6.1 beta 1 using Redsn0w.

Even though it has only been released today, it seems that iOS 6.1 can be jailbroken using the latest version of Redsn0w. This is the same method that was used to jailbreak iOS 6.0.1 and it is working on this latest release too. Like most other early jailbreaks, this is a tethered jailbreak for now. This jailbreak is compatible with pre-A5 limera1nable devices such as the iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS and iPod touch. All the newer devices such as the iPad mini, iPads, iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S can�t use it. The Dev Teams are hard at work looking to produce an untethered jailbreak for all devices but as yet we have no update on when this will happen.

If you do want to jailbreak iOS 6.1 beta tethered using Redsn0w all you have to do is download iOS 6.1 beta 1 from the iOS Dev Centre and update your device. Next you will have to download and run the latest version of Redsn0w which is 0.9.15b3. Go to Extras and select IPSW option to manually point Redsn0w to the original iOS 6 file. From the main screen of Redsn0w, simply click on jailbreak followed by Next to select Cydia. Put your device into DFU mode and that�s about it. Redsn0w will now automatically inject your device with the Limera1n exploit to jailbreak and install Cydia on it. Once completed you have to select Autoboot this device when it connects in DFU mode to restart the device in tethered boot mode.

As this is a tethered jailbreak for iOS 6.1, you will have to reboot your device into tethered mode in order to run Cydia and other jailbreak related apps whenever your device loses power. Once again, this is only for developers and not for the general public as yet.

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